12 day of Christmas
’tis the season for giving
Yes, I know, the 12 Days of Christmas aren’t supposed to start on 1st December.
My goal:
To encourage sponsorships of washable sanitary pad kits.
I figured a little enticement might work well. From 1st to 12th December there will be random gifts to those who sponsor a girl’s 3 year supply of washable sanitary pads.
The surprises:
Thanks to Paula from Paula’s Plate for x10 of her famous Christmas Truffles
Thanks to Janet from Malowia Guesthouse in Vanuatu for offering one nights accommodation to her well appointed guesthouse in the idyllic northern area of Efate.
Lav Kokonas – for various products from their range 🙂
Simply go to the Mamma’s Laef washable sanitary pads page on Give A Little, and donate. I will check the donations on each of the 12 days, with the first donation of each day receiving the randomly selected gift from Paula, Janet or myself. Those who will receive gifts will be listed on the Lav Kokonas Facebook page, and will need to make contact with me no later than 4pm on 13th December.
Click this link to go straight to the Mamma’s Laef washable sanitary pads page on Give A Little
- These washable sanitary pads give 3 years of one-less-barrier to receiving an education.
- Did you know that many girls simply won’t attend school when they have their period?
- You CAN make a difference.
- $20 buys a kit that lasts up to 3 years.
- The kits which the Mamma’s Laef team distribute are accompanied by a detailed yet easy to understand, menstrual hygiene and reproductive health education programme.
Have a look at what Mamma’s Laef delivered in in September this year. The project is quite remarkable.
Enjoy your festive season and the giving you gave.
Meri Krismas
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